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Saturday, May 11, 2019

How to Be Confident Around Girls if You're Shy

How to Be Confident Around Girls if You're Shy
Feeling confident around girls is something many guys struggle with, but it doesn’t mean you are destined to a lifetime of loneliness. Being shy creates a reluctance to engage socially for fear of becoming embarrassed. Overcoming shyness is about putting your focus and energy outward during a conversation with a girl. If you work to control your feelings of shyness, and then take steps to build your confidence, you can be the life of the party.

Understand what it means to be shy. Characteristics of being shy can be manifested in different ways under different circumstances for each individual. Knowing what situations cause your feelings of shyness can help you address the symptoms of shyness when they occur:

·        Being hesitant to speak up in social situations

·        Mumbling or talking softly

·        Avoiding social gatherings

·        Being overly talkative due to nervousness.

Recognize what situations make you feel shy. Understanding that almost everyone feels shy at some point can help you overcome your own feelings of shyness. It is natural to be nervous under uncertain circumstances. When you can mentally prepare for a situation it is less likely to make you nervous and shy because you know what to expect. Plan ahead and you’ll be ready to take on challenges as they are no longer unknowns.

Change your internal monologue. If you are constantly saying negative things about yourself in your head, then you will have an extremely hard time ever feeling confident. Even though it isn’t true, telling yourself phrases like “I’m just socially awkward” or “Nobody will ever like me, I’m too weird” will make you believe you are not worthy of attention from a girl. Instead create a mantra that builds you up:

·        “I’m awesome!”

·        “I like talking to everyone!”

·        “I am going to meet new people today.”

Avoid over analyzing what people are saying. Many times shyness is a result of perceived perceptions. People think that others see them a certain way and make that their reality, when in fact, no one is having the thoughts you believe they are. Take people for their word and don’t worry about what someone might be thinking.

Focus your attention on the people you’re talking to. Instead of centering the conversation around you, talk to and about other people. Avoid starting sentences with “I” and talk about the other person’s interests instead. If you’re not thinking about yourself, it is less likely you will find yourself feeling shy!

Have a good time! When you are happy and enjoying yourself it is much less likely that you will feel shy. Let yourself have fun and don’t be afraid to relax.

Dress to impress. It is important that you feel good about your clothing and style to present yourself in the best light. It doesn’t matter what you wear as long as it feels good to you. There is no one style that says “I’m confident,” but if you believe that you wear it well, you will!

Educate yourself on topics you’re interested in. Being able to discuss a topic in detail will give you the confidence to begin a conversation with many different people. Learn more than just the headlines of a news story and you can discuss the details with several groups of individuals.

Make eye contact when speaking to someone. Communication is about so much more than words. Sometimes what we say is less important that how we say it. Make sure that you are letting the people you talk to know you care about them by connecting with them visually throughout your conversation.

Set easy goals for yourself. Start off by making a point to say “Hi” to a girl you want to talk to. Open the door for future conversations by taking small steps. Don’t expect to be the head cheerleader’s best friend if you’ve never talked to her before. You need to build up confidence by introducing yourself to lots of people to get comfortable talking to lots of girls.

Practice talking in the mirror. Watch your facial expressions and think about what responses you would have in a particular conversation. Knowing what you might say can help you prepare for a great conversation. Just a simple smile at yourself each day can do wonders for your self esteem!

Be honest about your shyness. When you introduce yourself to a girl, let her know that you are trying to overcome being shy. Many girls find guys who are shy extremely attractive. Let your shyness be a way in and not something that keeps you out. Try one of these opening lines:

·        "There's so many people here, it's hard to find someone to talk to because I'm kinda shy."

·        "Can I sit with you, I'm shy and just need a quiet place to relax."

·        "I'm terrible at meeting new people, can we pretend we know each other so it isn't so awkward?"

Make a joke about being shy. When you are having a conversation use the fact that you are shy as a way to poke fun at yourself.

·        "Being shy always makes me feel small, do I look little to you?

·        "I would tell you a joke, but I'm too shy and always mess up the punch lines"

·        "If I weren't shy it would be a lot easier to find out what you like"

Bring a friend to be your wingman. Sometimes having a friend by your side can make it much easier to approach a girl. Ask a friend you trust to help introduce you to new people and start conversations.

Live in the moment. Don't worry about what might happen in the future of your conversation; focus on the here and now. It is easier for the conversation to flow if you are concentrating on the current topic and not planning the future.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Way to Boost Confidence at a Job Interview

Way to Boost Confidence at a Job Interview

Aim to connect with interviewers, not impress them

In an interview it’s important to come across as likeable. So, to maximise confidence, your energy should be focused on building a rapport with your interviewer rather than impressing him or her.

“We often get the idea that confidence is about holding court whereas it’s more to do with putting people at ease. It helps to focus on connecting with people rather than focusing on the performance,” says Dr Gary Wood, chartered psychologistand author.

Use breathing techniques to boost confidence

At the heart of confidence is feeling relaxed, so breathing and mindfulness exercises are helpful, adds Wood. “Staying present by focusing on your breathing just before an interview should help calm nerves,” says mindfulness teacher Gelong Thubten.

Business psychologist Dr Sarah Connell, agrees: “When we are anxious our blood flows away from our brains as we are in fight or flight mode, and our cognitive functions can suffer.” So slow, deep breathing will bring the oxygen back to your brains and help you to think clearly.

Be kind to yourself before the interview

It’s important to speak to yourself with compassion, like a best friend, and dispel any critical thoughts that stand in your way, adds Connell. “Don’t be afraid to sell yourself. People worry about appearing arrogant but the interview panel are not mind readers and do not automatically know what you have to offer, so it is up to you to tell them.”

Use power poses and relaxation exercises to curb anxiety

Use power poses before you go into the interview to help with nerves, says Claire Jenkins, founder of 121 Interview Coaching.

“Focus on the present moment, either by concentrating on your breathing or on body sensations, for a few moments. It will help calm you down,” says Thubten. In the interview also remember to speak slowly, as we tend to rush when we are nervous. “Don’t be afraid of silences. Sometimes leaving pauses in your sentences will help you command the situation better.”

Imagine yourself succeeding

Picturing yourself being successful at an upcoming job interview will give a boost to your confidence and self-esteem. “Before you go in start visualising a successful interview: imagine how you walk to the room, shake the interviewer’s hands and answer the questions with confidence,” says Margaret Buj, interview coach and author of Land That Job!. This technique will help calm any pre-interview nerves.

“If you have a strong belief that you are the best person for the job, and then you relax into that confidence, it should help,” agrees Thubten.

Prepare and rehearse answers out loud

If you go into an interview with prepared answers for most questions, it takes the pressure off and you walk in confident you’ll know your stuff, says Cathy Lovell, student services manager for The Open University. To make sure you’re well-equipped, rehearse potential interview answers with a friend.

“Look at the skills, experience, knowledge and personal qualities you have and think of examples showing how you developed these. It’ll make all the difference to your confidence,” adds Lovell.

Make friends with your anxiety, and smile

A great confidence technique is to “make friends” with your anxiety, says mindfulness teacher Charlie Morley. “Before an interview, think to yourself ‘Ah my old friend anxiety. Thank you so much for coming. I know that you are there and I acknowledge you fully.’ Sounds a bit silly doesn’t it?

“It’s actually a great technique to smile at the anxiety, rather than trying to suppress it or overpower it with positive thinking.”

Saturday, May 4, 2019

what is central processing unit


The Central Processing Unit, CPU, or simply the processor. It is the component in a digital computer that interprets the instructions and processes the data contained in the computer programs. CPUs provide the fundamental characteristic of digital computer, programmability, and are one of the necessary components found in computers of any time, along with primary storage and input / output devices. The CPU that is manufactured with integrated circuits is known as a microprocessor. Since the mid-1970s, single-chip microprocessors have almost completely replaced all types of CPUs, and today, the term "CPU" is usually applied to all microprocessors.

The expression "Central Processing Unit" is, in general terms, a description of a certain class of logic machines that can execute complex computer programs. This broad definition can easily be applied to many of the first computers that existed long before the term "CPU" was in wide use. However, the term itself and its acronym have been in use in the computer industry at least since the beginning of the 1960s. The shape, design and implementation of the CPUs has changed drastically since the first examples, but its fundamental operation has remained quite similar.

The first CPUs were custom designed as part of a larger computer, usually a one-of-a-kind computer. However, this expensive method of custom-designed CPUs for a particular application has largely disappeared and has been replaced by the development of cheap and standardized processor classes adapted for one or many purposes. This trend of standardization generally began in the era of discrete transistors, central computers, and microcomputers, and was accelerated rapidly with the popularization of the integrated circuit (IC), which has allowed more complex CPUs to be designed and manufactured in small spaces (in the order of millimeters).

Both miniaturization and standardization of CPUs have increased the presence of these digital devices in modern life well beyond the limited applications of dedicated computing machines. Modern microprocessors appear in everything from cars, televisions, refrigerators, calculators, airplanes, to mobile or cell phones, toys, among others.

computer input devices


They are the ones that send information to the processing unit, in binary code. Input devices (among others):

Keyboard: A keyboard is composed of a series of keys grouped into functions that we can describe:

Alphanumeric keyboard: it is a set of 62 keys among which are the letters, numbers, orthographic symbols, Enter, alt ... etc.

Keyboard Function: is a set of 13 keys between which are the ESC, so used in computer systems, plus 12 function keys. These keys are usually configurable but for example there is an agreement to assign help to F1.

Numeric Keypad: it is usually found to the right of the alphanumeric keyboard and consists of the numbers as well as an Enter and the numerical operators of addition, subtraction, ... etc.

Special keyboard: they are the directional arrows and a set of 9 keys grouped in 2 groups; one of 6 (Start and end among others) and another of 3 with the screen print key between them.

Recommendations: In this section it is convenient to dist between two types of keyboard:

Membrane: They were the first ones that came out and as their own name indicates they present a membrane between the key and the circuit that makes the pulsation a bit harder.

Mechanic: These new keyboards present another system that makes the pulsation less traumatic and smoother for the user.

 MOUSE: This peripheral was named for its resemblance to this rodent. They are usually constituted by a box with a more or less anatomical shape in which there are two buttons that will make the famous mouse clicks being transmitted by the cable to the PS / II port or the serial port (COM1 normally). Inside this box there is a ball that protrudes from the box to which 4 orthogonally arranged rollers are attached that will define the direction of movement of the mouse. The mouse is moved by a mat causing the movement of the ball which in turn causes the movement of one or several of these rollers that is transformed into electrical signals and produce the effect of moving the mouse on the computer screen.

There are modern models in which transmission is done by infrared eliminating the need for wiring. Others present the ball in the upper part of the box, thus not being in contact with the mat and having to be moved by the user's fingers although the same effect is produced.

 Microphone: Peripheral by which transmits sounds that the computer captures and reproduces them, saves them, etc. It connects to the sound card.

Scanner: A device uses a light beam to detect the light and dark patterns (or colors) of the paper surface, converting the image into digital signals that can be manipulated by means of an image processing software or with recognition optical character. One type of scanner used frequently is the flatbed, which means that the scanning device travels along a fixed document. In this type of scanner, such as office photocopiers, objects are placed face down on a smooth glass surface and are swept by a mechanism that passes underneath them. Another type of flatbed scanner uses a scanning element installed in a fixed housing on top of the document.

A very popular type of scanner is the hand scanner, also called hand-held, because the user holds the scanner by hand and moves it over the document. These scanners have the advantage of being relatively cheap, but are somewhat limited because they can not read documents with a width greater than 12 or 15 centimeters.

Barcode Reader: a device that uses a laser beam to read drawings formed by bars and parallel spaces, which encodes information by relative widths of these elements. Bar codes represent data in a computer readable form, and are one of the most efficient means of automatic data collection.

Digital camera: Camera that connects to the computer and transmits the images it captures, which can be modified and retouched, or taken again in case it is wrong. There can be several types:

Digital photo camera: Take photos with digital quality, almost all incorporate an LCD screen (Liquid Crystal Display) where you can see the image obtained. It has a small memory where it stores photos and then transmits them to a computer.

 Video camera: Record videos as if it were a normal camera, but the advantages offered by being in digital format, which is much better the image, has an LCD screen through which you simultaneously see the image while recording. It connects to the PC and it collects the video you have recorded, so you can retouch it later with the appropriate software.

Webcam: It is a camera of small dimensions. It's just the camera, it does not have an LCD. It has to be connected to the PC in order to work, and it transmits the images to the computer. Its use is usually for video conferencing over the Internet, but using the appropriate software, you can record videos like a normal camera and take still photos.

Optical Pen: pointing device that allows to hold on the screen a pencil that is connected to the computer and with which it is possible to select elements or options (the equivalent of a mouse or mouse click), or by pressing a button on the side of the stylus or pressing it against the surface of the screen.

The pen contains light sensors and sends a signal to the computer each time it registers a light, for example when touching the screen when the non-black pixels under the tip of the pen are refreshed by the electron beam of the screen. The computer screen does not illuminate in its entirety at the same time, but the electron beam that illuminates the pixels travels them line by line, all in a space of 1/50 of a second. By detecting the moment when the electron beam passes under the tip of the stylus, the computer can determine the position of the pencil on the screen. The stylus does not require a special screen or coating, such as a touch screen, but it has the disadvantage that holding the stylus against the screen for long periods of time tires the user.

JOYSTICK: well-known pointing device, used mostly for computer or computer games, but which is also used for other tasks. A joystick or game lever usually has a round or rectangular plastic base, to which a vertical lever is attached. The control buttons are located on the base and sometimes on the top of the lever, which can be moved in all directions to control the movement of an object on the screen. The buttons activate various software elements, usually producing an effect on the screen. A joystick is usually a relative pointing device, which moves an object on the screen when the lever moves with respect to the center and which stops movement when released. In industrial control applications, the joystick can also be an absolute pointing device, in which a specific location is marked on the screen with each position of the lever.

Perforated cards: Manila sheet of 80 columns, about 7.5 cm. (3 inches) wide by 18 cm. (7 inches) long, in which 80 columns of data could be introduced in the form of holes made by a drilling machine. These holes corresponded to numbers, letters and other characters that could be read by a computer equipped with a punched card reader.

 Touch screen: screen designed or modified to recognize the situation of a pressure on its surface. By touching the screen, the user can make a selection or move the cursor. The simplest touch screen type is composed of a network of sensitive lines, which determine the situation of a pressure by joining the vertical and horizontal contacts.

Other types of more accurate screens use an electrically charged surface and sensors around the outer edges of the screen, to detect the amount of electrical change and pinpoint exactly where the contact has been made. A third type fixed infrared emitting diodes (LEDs, acronym for Light-Emitting Diodes) and sensors around the outer edges of the screen. These LEDs and sensors create an invisible infrared network in the front of the screen that interrupts the user with his fingers.

Infrared touch screens are often used in dirty environments, where dirt could interfere with the operation mode of other types of touch screens. The popularity of touch screens among users has been limited because it is necessary to keep your hands in the air to point the screen, which would be too uncomfortable in long periods of time. It also does not offer great precision when having to point out certain elements in high resolution programs. Touch screens, however, are hugely popular in applications such as information booths because they offer a way of pointing out that it does not require any mobile hardware and because pressing the screen is intuitive.


Hay guys is time we do away with all this so call Facebook hackers who don't want our Facebook account to rest, if your account have been hack or they are trying to hack your account and you want to stay away from been hack, then you are in the right place.
 I will teach you step by step whay on how to retrieve your lost Facebook account.


1.  On your data in your phone, after oning it open play store in your phone.
2.  Download and install ( account settings for Facebook.
3.  Open the app it n your phone you will see something like ( security, privacy, and activities).

4.  When you see this things click on security

5.  After clicking scruw down and click on ( Do you think that your account was hack?)

6.   It will open a page

now on this page read carefully what you see and click the desired option  and fill in the right details to retrieve your lost account.

You can also do so many with this App on like,
I.   Change password
ii.  Change email
iii.  Change name

And many more.
If you like what you see, read and the experience gained from this blog,  why not you put your comments below, on any area you have problem, and your answer will get back to you in return.

Monday, April 29, 2019

how to treat pimple


Papaya fruit has a number of properties that help in the treatment of pimples. It is a good source of the antioxidant vitamin A, and it has enzymes that help reduce inflammation and make your skin soft and smooth.

Crush raw papaya pieces to extract its juice and apply it over the pimples. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it off.
To make a exfoliating face mask, mash some papaya pieces and add a little honey. Apply this paste on your face and massage gently. Leave it on until it dries completely and then rinse it off.

what is Microsoft window


Microsoft Windows, or simply Windows, is a metafamily of graphic operating systems developed, marketed and sold by Microsoft. It consists of several families of operating systems, each of which serves a specific sector of the computer industry with the operating system typically associated with the architecture compatible with IBM PC. Active Windows families include Windows NT and Windows Embedded; these can encompass subfamilies, for example Windows Embedded Compact (Windows CE) or Windows Server. Windows defunct families include Windows 9x, Windows Mobile and Windows Phone.

Microsoft introduced an operating environment called Windows on November 20, 1985, as an operating system shell for MS-DOS in response to the growing interest in graphical user interfaces (GUIs). [3] Microsoft Windows came to dominate the global personal computer (PC) market with more than 90% market share, surpassing Mac OS, which had been introduced in 1984. Apple came to see Windows as an unfair invasion in its innovation in the development of GUI as implemented in products such as Lisa and Macintosh (it was finally established in court in favor of Microsoft in 1993). On PCs, Windows remains the most popular operating system. However, in 2014, Microsoft admitted the loss of most of the general operating system market to Android, [4] due to the massive growth in Android smartphone sales. In 2014, the number of Windows devices sold was less than 25% of the Android devices sold. This comparison, however, may not be fully relevant, since the two operating systems traditionally target different platforms. Even so, the numbers for the use of the Windows server (which are comparable to the competitors) show a third market share, similar to the use of the end user.

As of September 2016, the latest version of Windows for PCs, tablets, smartphones and integrated devices is Windows 10. The latest versions for server computers are Windows Server 2016. A specialized version of Windows runs on the Xbox One video game console.