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Saturday, May 11, 2019

How to Be Confident Around Girls if You're Shy

How to Be Confident Around Girls if You're Shy
Feeling confident around girls is something many guys struggle with, but it doesn’t mean you are destined to a lifetime of loneliness. Being shy creates a reluctance to engage socially for fear of becoming embarrassed. Overcoming shyness is about putting your focus and energy outward during a conversation with a girl. If you work to control your feelings of shyness, and then take steps to build your confidence, you can be the life of the party.

Understand what it means to be shy. Characteristics of being shy can be manifested in different ways under different circumstances for each individual. Knowing what situations cause your feelings of shyness can help you address the symptoms of shyness when they occur:

·        Being hesitant to speak up in social situations

·        Mumbling or talking softly

·        Avoiding social gatherings

·        Being overly talkative due to nervousness.

Recognize what situations make you feel shy. Understanding that almost everyone feels shy at some point can help you overcome your own feelings of shyness. It is natural to be nervous under uncertain circumstances. When you can mentally prepare for a situation it is less likely to make you nervous and shy because you know what to expect. Plan ahead and you’ll be ready to take on challenges as they are no longer unknowns.

Change your internal monologue. If you are constantly saying negative things about yourself in your head, then you will have an extremely hard time ever feeling confident. Even though it isn’t true, telling yourself phrases like “I’m just socially awkward” or “Nobody will ever like me, I’m too weird” will make you believe you are not worthy of attention from a girl. Instead create a mantra that builds you up:

·        “I’m awesome!”

·        “I like talking to everyone!”

·        “I am going to meet new people today.”

Avoid over analyzing what people are saying. Many times shyness is a result of perceived perceptions. People think that others see them a certain way and make that their reality, when in fact, no one is having the thoughts you believe they are. Take people for their word and don’t worry about what someone might be thinking.

Focus your attention on the people you’re talking to. Instead of centering the conversation around you, talk to and about other people. Avoid starting sentences with “I” and talk about the other person’s interests instead. If you’re not thinking about yourself, it is less likely you will find yourself feeling shy!

Have a good time! When you are happy and enjoying yourself it is much less likely that you will feel shy. Let yourself have fun and don’t be afraid to relax.

Dress to impress. It is important that you feel good about your clothing and style to present yourself in the best light. It doesn’t matter what you wear as long as it feels good to you. There is no one style that says “I’m confident,” but if you believe that you wear it well, you will!

Educate yourself on topics you’re interested in. Being able to discuss a topic in detail will give you the confidence to begin a conversation with many different people. Learn more than just the headlines of a news story and you can discuss the details with several groups of individuals.

Make eye contact when speaking to someone. Communication is about so much more than words. Sometimes what we say is less important that how we say it. Make sure that you are letting the people you talk to know you care about them by connecting with them visually throughout your conversation.

Set easy goals for yourself. Start off by making a point to say “Hi” to a girl you want to talk to. Open the door for future conversations by taking small steps. Don’t expect to be the head cheerleader’s best friend if you’ve never talked to her before. You need to build up confidence by introducing yourself to lots of people to get comfortable talking to lots of girls.

Practice talking in the mirror. Watch your facial expressions and think about what responses you would have in a particular conversation. Knowing what you might say can help you prepare for a great conversation. Just a simple smile at yourself each day can do wonders for your self esteem!

Be honest about your shyness. When you introduce yourself to a girl, let her know that you are trying to overcome being shy. Many girls find guys who are shy extremely attractive. Let your shyness be a way in and not something that keeps you out. Try one of these opening lines:

·        "There's so many people here, it's hard to find someone to talk to because I'm kinda shy."

·        "Can I sit with you, I'm shy and just need a quiet place to relax."

·        "I'm terrible at meeting new people, can we pretend we know each other so it isn't so awkward?"

Make a joke about being shy. When you are having a conversation use the fact that you are shy as a way to poke fun at yourself.

·        "Being shy always makes me feel small, do I look little to you?

·        "I would tell you a joke, but I'm too shy and always mess up the punch lines"

·        "If I weren't shy it would be a lot easier to find out what you like"

Bring a friend to be your wingman. Sometimes having a friend by your side can make it much easier to approach a girl. Ask a friend you trust to help introduce you to new people and start conversations.

Live in the moment. Don't worry about what might happen in the future of your conversation; focus on the here and now. It is easier for the conversation to flow if you are concentrating on the current topic and not planning the future.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Way to Boost Confidence at a Job Interview

Way to Boost Confidence at a Job Interview

Aim to connect with interviewers, not impress them

In an interview it’s important to come across as likeable. So, to maximise confidence, your energy should be focused on building a rapport with your interviewer rather than impressing him or her.

“We often get the idea that confidence is about holding court whereas it’s more to do with putting people at ease. It helps to focus on connecting with people rather than focusing on the performance,” says Dr Gary Wood, chartered psychologistand author.

Use breathing techniques to boost confidence

At the heart of confidence is feeling relaxed, so breathing and mindfulness exercises are helpful, adds Wood. “Staying present by focusing on your breathing just before an interview should help calm nerves,” says mindfulness teacher Gelong Thubten.

Business psychologist Dr Sarah Connell, agrees: “When we are anxious our blood flows away from our brains as we are in fight or flight mode, and our cognitive functions can suffer.” So slow, deep breathing will bring the oxygen back to your brains and help you to think clearly.

Be kind to yourself before the interview

It’s important to speak to yourself with compassion, like a best friend, and dispel any critical thoughts that stand in your way, adds Connell. “Don’t be afraid to sell yourself. People worry about appearing arrogant but the interview panel are not mind readers and do not automatically know what you have to offer, so it is up to you to tell them.”

Use power poses and relaxation exercises to curb anxiety

Use power poses before you go into the interview to help with nerves, says Claire Jenkins, founder of 121 Interview Coaching.

“Focus on the present moment, either by concentrating on your breathing or on body sensations, for a few moments. It will help calm you down,” says Thubten. In the interview also remember to speak slowly, as we tend to rush when we are nervous. “Don’t be afraid of silences. Sometimes leaving pauses in your sentences will help you command the situation better.”

Imagine yourself succeeding

Picturing yourself being successful at an upcoming job interview will give a boost to your confidence and self-esteem. “Before you go in start visualising a successful interview: imagine how you walk to the room, shake the interviewer’s hands and answer the questions with confidence,” says Margaret Buj, interview coach and author of Land That Job!. This technique will help calm any pre-interview nerves.

“If you have a strong belief that you are the best person for the job, and then you relax into that confidence, it should help,” agrees Thubten.

Prepare and rehearse answers out loud

If you go into an interview with prepared answers for most questions, it takes the pressure off and you walk in confident you’ll know your stuff, says Cathy Lovell, student services manager for The Open University. To make sure you’re well-equipped, rehearse potential interview answers with a friend.

“Look at the skills, experience, knowledge and personal qualities you have and think of examples showing how you developed these. It’ll make all the difference to your confidence,” adds Lovell.

Make friends with your anxiety, and smile

A great confidence technique is to “make friends” with your anxiety, says mindfulness teacher Charlie Morley. “Before an interview, think to yourself ‘Ah my old friend anxiety. Thank you so much for coming. I know that you are there and I acknowledge you fully.’ Sounds a bit silly doesn’t it?

“It’s actually a great technique to smile at the anxiety, rather than trying to suppress it or overpower it with positive thinking.”

Saturday, May 4, 2019

what is central processing unit


The Central Processing Unit, CPU, or simply the processor. It is the component in a digital computer that interprets the instructions and processes the data contained in the computer programs. CPUs provide the fundamental characteristic of digital computer, programmability, and are one of the necessary components found in computers of any time, along with primary storage and input / output devices. The CPU that is manufactured with integrated circuits is known as a microprocessor. Since the mid-1970s, single-chip microprocessors have almost completely replaced all types of CPUs, and today, the term "CPU" is usually applied to all microprocessors.

The expression "Central Processing Unit" is, in general terms, a description of a certain class of logic machines that can execute complex computer programs. This broad definition can easily be applied to many of the first computers that existed long before the term "CPU" was in wide use. However, the term itself and its acronym have been in use in the computer industry at least since the beginning of the 1960s. The shape, design and implementation of the CPUs has changed drastically since the first examples, but its fundamental operation has remained quite similar.

The first CPUs were custom designed as part of a larger computer, usually a one-of-a-kind computer. However, this expensive method of custom-designed CPUs for a particular application has largely disappeared and has been replaced by the development of cheap and standardized processor classes adapted for one or many purposes. This trend of standardization generally began in the era of discrete transistors, central computers, and microcomputers, and was accelerated rapidly with the popularization of the integrated circuit (IC), which has allowed more complex CPUs to be designed and manufactured in small spaces (in the order of millimeters).

Both miniaturization and standardization of CPUs have increased the presence of these digital devices in modern life well beyond the limited applications of dedicated computing machines. Modern microprocessors appear in everything from cars, televisions, refrigerators, calculators, airplanes, to mobile or cell phones, toys, among others.

computer input devices


They are the ones that send information to the processing unit, in binary code. Input devices (among others):

Keyboard: A keyboard is composed of a series of keys grouped into functions that we can describe:

Alphanumeric keyboard: it is a set of 62 keys among which are the letters, numbers, orthographic symbols, Enter, alt ... etc.

Keyboard Function: is a set of 13 keys between which are the ESC, so used in computer systems, plus 12 function keys. These keys are usually configurable but for example there is an agreement to assign help to F1.

Numeric Keypad: it is usually found to the right of the alphanumeric keyboard and consists of the numbers as well as an Enter and the numerical operators of addition, subtraction, ... etc.

Special keyboard: they are the directional arrows and a set of 9 keys grouped in 2 groups; one of 6 (Start and end among others) and another of 3 with the screen print key between them.

Recommendations: In this section it is convenient to dist between two types of keyboard:

Membrane: They were the first ones that came out and as their own name indicates they present a membrane between the key and the circuit that makes the pulsation a bit harder.

Mechanic: These new keyboards present another system that makes the pulsation less traumatic and smoother for the user.

 MOUSE: This peripheral was named for its resemblance to this rodent. They are usually constituted by a box with a more or less anatomical shape in which there are two buttons that will make the famous mouse clicks being transmitted by the cable to the PS / II port or the serial port (COM1 normally). Inside this box there is a ball that protrudes from the box to which 4 orthogonally arranged rollers are attached that will define the direction of movement of the mouse. The mouse is moved by a mat causing the movement of the ball which in turn causes the movement of one or several of these rollers that is transformed into electrical signals and produce the effect of moving the mouse on the computer screen.

There are modern models in which transmission is done by infrared eliminating the need for wiring. Others present the ball in the upper part of the box, thus not being in contact with the mat and having to be moved by the user's fingers although the same effect is produced.

 Microphone: Peripheral by which transmits sounds that the computer captures and reproduces them, saves them, etc. It connects to the sound card.

Scanner: A device uses a light beam to detect the light and dark patterns (or colors) of the paper surface, converting the image into digital signals that can be manipulated by means of an image processing software or with recognition optical character. One type of scanner used frequently is the flatbed, which means that the scanning device travels along a fixed document. In this type of scanner, such as office photocopiers, objects are placed face down on a smooth glass surface and are swept by a mechanism that passes underneath them. Another type of flatbed scanner uses a scanning element installed in a fixed housing on top of the document.

A very popular type of scanner is the hand scanner, also called hand-held, because the user holds the scanner by hand and moves it over the document. These scanners have the advantage of being relatively cheap, but are somewhat limited because they can not read documents with a width greater than 12 or 15 centimeters.

Barcode Reader: a device that uses a laser beam to read drawings formed by bars and parallel spaces, which encodes information by relative widths of these elements. Bar codes represent data in a computer readable form, and are one of the most efficient means of automatic data collection.

Digital camera: Camera that connects to the computer and transmits the images it captures, which can be modified and retouched, or taken again in case it is wrong. There can be several types:

Digital photo camera: Take photos with digital quality, almost all incorporate an LCD screen (Liquid Crystal Display) where you can see the image obtained. It has a small memory where it stores photos and then transmits them to a computer.

 Video camera: Record videos as if it were a normal camera, but the advantages offered by being in digital format, which is much better the image, has an LCD screen through which you simultaneously see the image while recording. It connects to the PC and it collects the video you have recorded, so you can retouch it later with the appropriate software.

Webcam: It is a camera of small dimensions. It's just the camera, it does not have an LCD. It has to be connected to the PC in order to work, and it transmits the images to the computer. Its use is usually for video conferencing over the Internet, but using the appropriate software, you can record videos like a normal camera and take still photos.

Optical Pen: pointing device that allows to hold on the screen a pencil that is connected to the computer and with which it is possible to select elements or options (the equivalent of a mouse or mouse click), or by pressing a button on the side of the stylus or pressing it against the surface of the screen.

The pen contains light sensors and sends a signal to the computer each time it registers a light, for example when touching the screen when the non-black pixels under the tip of the pen are refreshed by the electron beam of the screen. The computer screen does not illuminate in its entirety at the same time, but the electron beam that illuminates the pixels travels them line by line, all in a space of 1/50 of a second. By detecting the moment when the electron beam passes under the tip of the stylus, the computer can determine the position of the pencil on the screen. The stylus does not require a special screen or coating, such as a touch screen, but it has the disadvantage that holding the stylus against the screen for long periods of time tires the user.

JOYSTICK: well-known pointing device, used mostly for computer or computer games, but which is also used for other tasks. A joystick or game lever usually has a round or rectangular plastic base, to which a vertical lever is attached. The control buttons are located on the base and sometimes on the top of the lever, which can be moved in all directions to control the movement of an object on the screen. The buttons activate various software elements, usually producing an effect on the screen. A joystick is usually a relative pointing device, which moves an object on the screen when the lever moves with respect to the center and which stops movement when released. In industrial control applications, the joystick can also be an absolute pointing device, in which a specific location is marked on the screen with each position of the lever.

Perforated cards: Manila sheet of 80 columns, about 7.5 cm. (3 inches) wide by 18 cm. (7 inches) long, in which 80 columns of data could be introduced in the form of holes made by a drilling machine. These holes corresponded to numbers, letters and other characters that could be read by a computer equipped with a punched card reader.

 Touch screen: screen designed or modified to recognize the situation of a pressure on its surface. By touching the screen, the user can make a selection or move the cursor. The simplest touch screen type is composed of a network of sensitive lines, which determine the situation of a pressure by joining the vertical and horizontal contacts.

Other types of more accurate screens use an electrically charged surface and sensors around the outer edges of the screen, to detect the amount of electrical change and pinpoint exactly where the contact has been made. A third type fixed infrared emitting diodes (LEDs, acronym for Light-Emitting Diodes) and sensors around the outer edges of the screen. These LEDs and sensors create an invisible infrared network in the front of the screen that interrupts the user with his fingers.

Infrared touch screens are often used in dirty environments, where dirt could interfere with the operation mode of other types of touch screens. The popularity of touch screens among users has been limited because it is necessary to keep your hands in the air to point the screen, which would be too uncomfortable in long periods of time. It also does not offer great precision when having to point out certain elements in high resolution programs. Touch screens, however, are hugely popular in applications such as information booths because they offer a way of pointing out that it does not require any mobile hardware and because pressing the screen is intuitive.


Hay guys is time we do away with all this so call Facebook hackers who don't want our Facebook account to rest, if your account have been hack or they are trying to hack your account and you want to stay away from been hack, then you are in the right place.
 I will teach you step by step whay on how to retrieve your lost Facebook account.


1.  On your data in your phone, after oning it open play store in your phone.
2.  Download and install ( account settings for Facebook.
3.  Open the app it n your phone you will see something like ( security, privacy, and activities).

4.  When you see this things click on security

5.  After clicking scruw down and click on ( Do you think that your account was hack?)

6.   It will open a page

now on this page read carefully what you see and click the desired option  and fill in the right details to retrieve your lost account.

You can also do so many with this App on like,
I.   Change password
ii.  Change email
iii.  Change name

And many more.
If you like what you see, read and the experience gained from this blog,  why not you put your comments below, on any area you have problem, and your answer will get back to you in return.

Monday, April 29, 2019

how to treat pimple


Papaya fruit has a number of properties that help in the treatment of pimples. It is a good source of the antioxidant vitamin A, and it has enzymes that help reduce inflammation and make your skin soft and smooth.

Crush raw papaya pieces to extract its juice and apply it over the pimples. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it off.
To make a exfoliating face mask, mash some papaya pieces and add a little honey. Apply this paste on your face and massage gently. Leave it on until it dries completely and then rinse it off.

what is Microsoft window


Microsoft Windows, or simply Windows, is a metafamily of graphic operating systems developed, marketed and sold by Microsoft. It consists of several families of operating systems, each of which serves a specific sector of the computer industry with the operating system typically associated with the architecture compatible with IBM PC. Active Windows families include Windows NT and Windows Embedded; these can encompass subfamilies, for example Windows Embedded Compact (Windows CE) or Windows Server. Windows defunct families include Windows 9x, Windows Mobile and Windows Phone.

Microsoft introduced an operating environment called Windows on November 20, 1985, as an operating system shell for MS-DOS in response to the growing interest in graphical user interfaces (GUIs). [3] Microsoft Windows came to dominate the global personal computer (PC) market with more than 90% market share, surpassing Mac OS, which had been introduced in 1984. Apple came to see Windows as an unfair invasion in its innovation in the development of GUI as implemented in products such as Lisa and Macintosh (it was finally established in court in favor of Microsoft in 1993). On PCs, Windows remains the most popular operating system. However, in 2014, Microsoft admitted the loss of most of the general operating system market to Android, [4] due to the massive growth in Android smartphone sales. In 2014, the number of Windows devices sold was less than 25% of the Android devices sold. This comparison, however, may not be fully relevant, since the two operating systems traditionally target different platforms. Even so, the numbers for the use of the Windows server (which are comparable to the competitors) show a third market share, similar to the use of the end user.

As of September 2016, the latest version of Windows for PCs, tablets, smartphones and integrated devices is Windows 10. The latest versions for server computers are Windows Server 2016. A specialized version of Windows runs on the Xbox One video game console.

what is Microsoft window


Microsoft Windows, or simply Windows, is a metafamily of graphic operating systems developed, marketed and sold by Microsoft. It consists of several families of operating systems, each of which serves a specific sector of the computer industry with the operating system typically associated with the architecture compatible with IBM PC. Active Windows families include Windows NT and Windows Embedded; these can encompass subfamilies, for example Windows Embedded Compact (Windows CE) or Windows Server. Windows defunct families include Windows 9x, Windows Mobile and Windows Phone.

Microsoft introduced an operating environment called Windows on November 20, 1985, as an operating system shell for MS-DOS in response to the growing interest in graphical user interfaces (GUIs). [3] Microsoft Windows came to dominate the global personal computer (PC) market with more than 90% market share, surpassing Mac OS, which had been introduced in 1984. Apple came to see Windows as an unfair invasion in its innovation in the development of GUI as implemented in products such as Lisa and Macintosh (it was finally established in court in favor of Microsoft in 1993). On PCs, Windows remains the most popular operating system. However, in 2014, Microsoft admitted the loss of most of the general operating system market to Android, [4] due to the massive growth in Android smartphone sales. In 2014, the number of Windows devices sold was less than 25% of the Android devices sold. This comparison, however, may not be fully relevant, since the two operating systems traditionally target different platforms. Even so, the numbers for the use of the Windows server (which are comparable to the competitors) show a third market share, similar to the use of the end user.

As of September 2016, the latest version of Windows for PCs, tablets, smartphones and integrated devices is Windows 10. The latest versions for server computers are Windows Server 2016. A specialized version of Windows runs on the Xbox One video game console.

what is Internet


The internet is a decentralized set of interconnected communication networks that use the TCP / IP family of protocols, which guarantees that the heterogeneous physical networks that compose it form a unique logical network of worldwide scope. Its origins go back to 1969, when the first computer connection, known as ARPANET, was established between three universities in California (United States).

One of the most successful services on the Internet has been the World Wide Web (WWW or the Web), to such an extent that confusion between both terms is common. The WWW is a set of protocols that allows, in a simple way, remote consultation of hypertext files. This was a later development (1990) and uses the internet as a means of transmission.4

There are, therefore, many other services and protocols on the Internet, apart from the Web: the sending of electronic mail (SMTP), the transmission of files (FTP and P2P), online conversations (IRC), instant messaging and presence , the transmission of content and multimedia communication -telephony (VoIP), television (IPTV) -, electronic bulletins (NNTP), remote access to other devices (SSH and Telnet) or online games.4 5 6

The use of the Internet grew rapidly in the Western Hemisphere since the mid-1990s, and since the end of the decade in the rest of the world.7 In the 20 years since 1995, the use of the Internet has multiplied by 100. , covering one third of the world's population in 2015.8 9 Most communication industries, including telephony, radio, television, and traditional newspapers are being transformed or redefined by the Internet, allowing the birth of new services such as email] (email), internet telephony, Internet television, digital music, and digital video. The publishing industries of newspapers, books and other print media are adapting to the technology of websites, or are being reconverted into blogs, web feeds or news aggregators (eg, Google News).

The Internet has also allowed or accelerated new forms of personal interaction through instant messaging, Internet forums, and social networks such as Facebook. E-commerce has grown exponentially for both large chains as well as for small and medium enterprises or new entrepreneurs, since it allows serving larger markets and selling products and services completely online. Business-to-business relationships and online financial services on the Internet have affected the supply chains of entire industries.

Thank you for viewing my blog, you can put your comments below, concerning any issue you have or any question. And I will give you the answer in return.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The History of Computer

History of Computersg

One of the first mechanical devices to count was the abacus, whose history goes back to the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. This device is very simple, it consists of beads strung on rods that in turn are mounted in a rectangular frame.

Another of the mechanical inventions was the Pascalina invented by Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662) of France and that of Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646 - 1716) of Germany. With these machines, the data was represented by the positions of the gears, and the data were entered manually by setting said end positions of the wheels, similar to how we read the numbers on the odometer of a car.

The first computer was the analytical machine created by Charles Babbage, mathematical professor of the University of Cambridge and English Engineer in the 19th century. In 1823 the British government supported him to create the project of a machine of differences, a mechanical device to make repeated sums. The idea that Charles Babbage had about a carrer was born because the elaboration of the mathematical tables was a tedious and error-prone process. The features of this machine includes a memory that can store up to 1000 numbers of up to 50 digits each. The operations to be executed by the arithmetic unit are stored in a punch card. It is estimated that the machine would take a second to make a sum and a minute in a multiplication.

The Hollerith machine. In the 1880s, the US Census Bureau wanted to expedite the 1890 census process. In order to carry out this task, Herman Hollerith, a statistician, was hired to design a technique that could accelerate the Survey and analysis of the data obtained in the census. Among many things, Hollerith proposed the use of cards in which the data would be drilled, according to a pre-established format. Once the cards were punched, they would be tabulated and sorted by special machines. The idea of ​​punch cards was not Hollerith's original. He relied on the work done in the loom of Joseph Jacquard, who devised a system where the plot of a design of a fabric as well as the information necessary to make its construction was stored in punch cards.

Upon learning this method Babbage left the machine of differences and was dedicated to the project of the analytical machine that could be programmed with punched cards to perform any calculation with a precision of 20 digits. The technology of the time was not enough to make his ideas come true.

The world was not ready, and I would not be for another hundred years.

In 1944 the Mark I, designed by a team headed by Howard H. Aiken, was built at Harvard University. This machine is not considered as an electronic computer because it was not general purpose and its operation was based on electromechanical devices called relays.

In 1947 the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator), the first electronic computer, was built at the University of Pennsylvania. The design team was headed by engineers John Mauchly and John Eckert. This machine occupied a basement of the University, had more than 18,000 vacuum tubes, consumed 200 KW of electrical energy and required an entire system of air conditioning, but had the capacity to perform five thousand arithmetic operations in a second.

The project, sponsored by the Department of Defense of the United States, culminated two years later, when the Hungarian engineer and mathematician John von Neumann (1903 - 1957) joined that team. Von Neumann's ideas were so fundamental to his later development that he is considered the father of computers.

The EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) was designed by this new team. It had approximately four thousand bulbs and used a type of memory based on tubes filled with mercury through which electrical signals subject to delays circulated.

The fundamental idea of ​​von Neumann was: to allow data to coexist with instructions, so that the computer can be programmed in a language, and not by means of wires that electrically interconnected several control sections, as in the ENIAC.

All this development of computers is usually seen for generations and the criterion that was determined to determine the generation change is not very well defined, but it is apparent that at least the following requirements must be met:

 * The way they are built.

* Way in which the human being communicates with them.

The Integrated circuits


A computer system is usually composed of a Central Processing Unit (CPU), input devices, storage devices and output devices. The CPU includes an arithmetic logic unit (ALU), registers, control section and logical bus. The arithmetic-logical unit performs the arithmetic and logical operations. The records store the data and the results of operations. The control unit regulates and controls various operations. The internal bus connects the CPU units to each other and to the external components of the system. In most computers, the main input device is the keyboard. Storage devices are hard drives, flexible (floppy) and compact (CD). Output devices that allow to see the data are the monitors and printers.

All modern digital computers are conceptually similar regardless of their size. However, they can be divided into several categories according to their price and performance: the computer or personal computer is a machine of relatively low cost and usually of adequate size for a desk (some of them, called portals, or laptops, are enough small enough to fit in a briefcase); the work station, a microcomputer with improved graphics and communication capabilities that make it especially useful for office work; the mini-computer or mini-computer, a larger computer that is usually too expensive for personal use and that is suitable for companies, universities or laboratories; and the mainframe, a large high-priced machine capable of serving the needs of large companies, government departments, scientific research institutions and the like (the largest and fastest machines within that category are called supercomputers).

In reality, a digital computer is not a single machine, in the sense in which most people consider computers. It is a system composed of five differentiated elements: a CPU (central processing unit); input devices; memory storage devices; output devices and a communications network, called bus, that links all the elements of the system and connects it with the outside world ..

What is an Operating system



* System calls:

The interface between the operating system and the user programs is defined by the set of "extended instructions" that the operating system provides. These extended instructions are known as system calls. System calls vary from one operating system to another (although the fundamental concepts tend to be analogous).

Calls to the system are usually classified into two general categories: those that relate to processes and those that do to the file system.

* By Processes:

A process is basically a running program. It consists of the executable program and the stack or stack of the program, its program counter, stack pointer and other registers, as well as the other information that is needed to run the program. In itself the process in the concept of operating systems is like the timeshare system. That is, that periodically, the operating system decides to suspend the execution of one process and start the execution of another, for example, because the first one has already taken more of its part of the CPU time, in areas of the second. .

When a process is temporarily suspended, it must be restarted exactly in the same state it was in when it was stopped. This means that all information regarding the process must be explicitly saved somewhere during the suspension. In many operating systems, all the information relating to each process, different from the content of its address space, is stored in an operating system table called process table, which is an array (linked list) of structures, one for each process in existence.

Therefore, a process (suspended) consists of its address space, usually called the core image (in honor of the magnetic core image memories that were used in ancient times) and its record of the process table, which contains his records among other things.

* By File System:

An important function of the S.O. it consists of hiding the peculiarities of the disks and other I / O devices and presenting the programmer with an abstract, clean and pleasant model of files independent of the device. System calls are clearly needed to create files, delete them, read them and write them. Before a file can be read, it must be opened and after it has been read it must be closed, so that calls are given to do these things.

Before a file can be read or written, it must be opened, at which time the permissions are verified. If access is allowed, the system produces a small integer called a file descriptor to be used in subsequent operations. If access is prohibited, an error code is produced.

The Generations Of The Computer


1.- First Generation (1951-1958) BULBOS

In this generation there was a great ignorance of the capabilities of computers, since a study was conducted at this time that determined that with twenty computers would saturate the market of the United States in the field of data processing. This generation spanned the fifties. And it is known as the first generation.
The most successful computer of the first generation was the IBM 650, of which several hundred were produced. This computer used a secondary memory scheme called magnetic drum, which is the predecessor of the current discs.

Main features:

* Systems consisting of vacuum tubes, they gave off a lot of heat and had a relatively short life.
* Large and heavy machines. the ENIAC computer of large dimensions (30 tons) is built.
* High energy consumption. the voltage of the tubes was 300v and the possibility of melting was great
*Storing information inside magnetic drum.
* Continuous failures or interruptions in the process
* N required special auxiliary air conditioning systems.
* Programming in machine language, consisted of long strings of bits, zeros and ones, so the programming was long and complex.
* They used punched cards to enter data and programs.
* It began to use the binary system to represent the data.
* In this generation the machines are large and expensive (at an approximate cost of $ 10,000).
* Representative computer UNIVAC and used in the presidential elections of the USA. in 1952
* Industrial manufacturing.

2. Second Generation (1958-1964)

In this generation, computers are reduced in size and are less expensive. Many companies appeared and computers were quite advanced for their time as the 5000 series of Burroughs and the ATLAS of the University of Manchester. Some computers were programmed with perforated tape and others by wiring on a board.

Characteristics of this generation:

* They used transistors to process information. The main component is a small piece of semiconductor, and is exposed in so-called transistor circuits.

* Decrease in size.
* Decrease in the amount of heat.
* Its reliability reaches unimaginable goals with the ephemeral vacuum tubes.

* Greater speed, the speed of operations is no longer measured in seconds but in ms.
* Internal memory of ferrite cores.
* Storage instruments: tapes and discs
* Improved input and output devices, for the best reading of punched cards, photoelectric cells were available.
* 200 transistors could be accommodated in the same amount of space as a vacuum tube.
* They used small magnetic rings to store information and instructions.
* Computer programs that were developed during the first generation were improved.
* New programming languages ​​such as COBOL and FORTRAN were developed, which were commercially accessible.
* Used in airline reservation system applications, air traffic control and general purpose simulations.
* The Navy of the United States develops the first flight simulator, "Whirlwind I".
*They emerged minicomputers and remote terminals.
* The size of computers began to decrease.

3.- Third Generation (1964-1971)

The third generation of computers emerged with the development of integrated circuits (silicon wafers) in which thousands of electronic components are placed in a miniature integration. Computers again became smaller, faster, gave off less heat and were more energy efficient. The IBM-360 computer dominated the sales of the third generation of computers since its introduction in 1965. The PDP-8 of the Digital Equipment Corporation was the first mini-computer.

Characteristics of this generation:

*Integrated circuits were developed to process information. Developed in 1958 by Jack Kilbry.

* The "chips" were developed to store and process the information. A "chip" is a piece of silicon that contains miniature electronic components called semiconductors.

* Integrated circuits remember the data, since they store the information as electrical charges.

* Lower energy consumption

* Appreciable space reduction

* Increased reliability and flexibility

* Increase storage capacity and reduce response time.

* Compatibility to share the software between different equipment

* Teleprocessing: remote terminals are installed, which occur in the central computer to perform operations, extract or enter information in data banks, etc.

* The multiprogramming arises. Computer that can process several programs simultaneously.

* Timeshare: use of a computer by several timeshare clients, because the device can distinguish between several processes performed simultaneously.

* Computers can perform both mathematical processing or analysis tasks.

* The "software" industry emerges.

* The IBM 360 and DEC PDP-1 mini computers are developed.

* Computers again become smaller, lighter and more efficient.

*They consumed less electricity, therefore, less heat was generated.

* Renewal of peripherals

* System instructions.

* Expansion of applications: in industrial processes, in education, in the home, agriculture, administration, games, etc.

* The mini computer.

4.- Fourth Generation (1971-1988)

They appear the microprocessors that is a great advance of the microelectronics, they are integrated circuits of high density and with an impressive speed. Microcomputers based on these circuits are extremely small and inexpensive, so their use extends to the industrial market. Here are born the personal computers that have acquired enormous proportions and that have influenced the society in general on the so-called "computer revolution".

The microprocessor: the process of reducing the size of the components comes to operate at microscopic scales. The micro miniaturization allows the construction of the microprocessor, an integrated circuit that governs the fundamental functions of the computer. The applications of the microprocessor have been projected beyond the computer and are found in a multitude of devices, be they medical instruments, automobiles, toys, appliances, etc.

Electronic memories: the memories of ferrite magnetic cores are discarded and electronic memories are introduced, which are faster. At first they present the disadvantage of their greater cost, but this diminishes with the manufacture in series.

Characteristics of this generation:

* The microprocessor was developed.

* More circuits are placed inside a "chip".

* "LSI - Large Scale Integration circuit".

* "VLSI - Very Large Scale Integration circuit".

* Each "chip" can do different tasks.

* A simple "chip" currently contains the control unit and the arithmetic / logic unit.

* The third component, the primary memory, is operated by other "chips".

* The memory of magnetic rings is replaced by the memory of silicon "chips".

* The microcomputers are developed, that is, personal computers or PC.

* The supercomputers are developed.

5.- Fifth Generation (1983 to the present)

In view of the accelerated march of the microelectronics, the industrial society has given itself to the task of putting also to that height the development of the software and the systems with which the computers are handled. International competition arises for the dominance of the computer market, in which two leaders emerge who, however, have not been able to reach the desired level: the ability to communicate with the computer in a more everyday language and not to through specialized codes or control languages.

Japan launched in 1983 the so-called "program of the fifth generation of computers", with the explicit objectives of producing machines with real innovations in the mentioned criteria. And in the United States there is already a program in development that pursues similar objectives, which can be summarized as follows:

* The microcomputers are developed, that is, personal computers or PC.

* The supercomputers are developed.

* Higher speed

* Greater miniaturization of the elements.

*It increases memory capacity

* Multiprocessor (interconnected processors).

* Natural language

* Programming languages: PROGOL (Programming Logic) and LISP (List Processing).

* Voice activated machines that can respond to words spoken in different languages ​​and dialects.

* Capacity of translation between languages ​​that will allow the instantaneous translation of spoken and written languages.

*Intelligent development of knowledge and number of data processing.

* Processing characteristics similar to human processing sequences.

* Artificial intelligence includes the following fundamental aspects:

*Expert systems.

* An expert system is not a library (which provides information), but a counselor or specialist in a matera (hence providing knowledge, experienced advice). An expert system is a sophisticated computer program, has in its memory and its structure a large amount of knowledge and especially strategies to debug it and offer it according to requirements, making the system a specialist that is programmed.

* It consists of computers (and their applications in robotics) can communicate with people without any difficulty of understanding, either orally or in writing: talking with the machines and that they understand our language and also make themselves understood in our language .

* Natural Language.

* Science that deals with the study, development and applications of robots. Robots are devices composed of sensors that receive input data and are connected to the computer.

* Robotics

* Recognition of the voice.

* Voice recognition applications are aimed at capturing the human voice by a computer, either for the treatment of natural language or for any other type of function.

An operating system is the program that hides the truth from the hardware to the programmer and presents a simple and pleasant view of the nominated files that can be read and written. It is operating system protects the disk hardware programmer and presents a simple file-oriented interface, also disguises much of the work concerning interruptions, clocks or chronometers, memory management and other low-level features.

The function of the operating system is to present the user with the equivalent of an extended machine or virtual machine that is easier to program than the implicit hardware.

Clasification of computer by size (SIZE OF THE COMPUTERS).

Clasification of computer by size


They receive this name, large computers of size, power and speed of execution. They are used in the process of large-scale data, both in its management component and in the scientific field.

The general structure of a mainframe or macro-computers is not different from the smaller computers; It consists of CPU, main memory and peripherals of input and output. The difference lies in the potential of these elements.

These machines are often used as repositories of large amounts of data, which can be accessed directly by mainframe users, or from microphones connected to a mainframe.


It has the same structure as large computers, it only differs from them in the smallest size and cost.

The main features of the minicomputers are: low cost, central memory: 521 Kb, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, or 32 Mbyte. Word length: the main minicomputers of the sixties used 8-bit words, currently most of them use words of 16 bits, 32 bits and 64 bits.

The minicomputers work in multiuser mode. The number of terminals it supports is variable and lower than the mainframes.

One of the advantages of minicomputers versus mainframes is their manageability. They do not require such sophisticated installation conditions. They do not need such large rooms, nor cooling systems that are so complex and expensive.

The minicomputers are used for management and scientific applications.


Microcomputers are the smallest, least expensive and most popular computers on the market. Computers are used in companies for many things, from the preparation of spreadsheets to "desktop" publications.

Thanks to the microprocessor, the microcomputers are small enough to fit on the cover of a desk, or sometimes, in a portfolio. Microcomputers can operate as stand-alone units, or connect with other microcomputers or mainframes to expand their capabilities.


They are the fastest and most expensive computers. They can run several calculations simultaneously, processing in a minute what it would take weeks not several months to a PC or personal computer. Scientists from the Sandia National Laboratiry of New Mexico, USA, built a supercomputer that consisted of 1024 processors. Each processor has the capacity of a small computer, and is assigned a part of a problem at high volume that is solved by all processors at once. Called Hypercube, this supercomputer solves problems 1000 times faster than a typical mainframe.

Most supercomputers are used in scientific work, particularly to create mathematical models of the real world. Called simulation, this process is especially useful in seismology, oil exploitation, climate prediction and the expansion of pollution.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Classification of computer by Type (TYPE OF DATA PROCESSING.)


    Classification of computer by Type

Within this classification we have that they are analog, digital and hybrid. The data can be obtained as a result of a count or by means of some measuring instruments. The data that is obtained by counting is called direct data. Example: the total number of students in class, the total value of an invoice.

The data that must be obtained by measurement is continuous data. Example: the speed of a car is measured by a speedometer or the temperature of a patient is measured by a thermometer.


It is a calculation device that processes discrete data, works directly by counting numbers (or digits) that represent figures, letters or other special symbols. Example: board.


They work with variables that are measured on a continuous scale and are recorded with a certain degree of precision. Example: tilt


It is the combination of a digital computer and an analog computer. Example: in a hospital or analog device can measure the functioning of the heart, temperature and other vital signs, these measurements are converted into numbers and sent to a digital computer, this component controls the vital signs and sends a signal to the nurses station in case of an abnormal reading.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Importance of Physics to the Society

Importance of Physics to the Society

A statement adopted by IUPAP, March 1999 was

“Physics – the study of matter, energy and their interactions – is an international enterprise, which plays a key role in the future progress of humankind. The support of physics education and research in all countries is important because:”

1. Physics is an exciting intellectual adventure that inspires young people and expands the frontiers of our knowledge about Nature.

2. Physics generates fundamental knowledge needed for the future technological advances that will continue to drive the economic engines of the world.

3. Physics contributes to the technological infrastructure and provides trained personnel needed to take advantage of scientific advances and discoveries.

4. Physics is an important element in the education of chemists, engineers and computer scientists, as well as practitioners of the other physical and biomedical sciences.

5. Physics extends and enhances our understanding of other disciplines, such as the earth, agricultural, chemical, biological, and environmental sciences, plus astrophysics and cosmology – subjects of substantial importance to all peoples of the world.

6. Physics improves our quality of life by providing the basic understanding necessary for developing new instrumentation and techniques for medical applications, such as computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, ultrasonic imaging, and laser surgery.

In summary, physics is an essential part of the educational system and of any advanced society. We therefore urge all governments to seek advice from physicists and other scientists on matters of science policy, and to be supportive of the science of Physics.

This support can take many forms such as: National programs to improve physics teaching at all levels of the educational system.

Building and maintaining strong departments in universities and other academic institutions with opportunities to secure grants to support research, scholarships and fellowships for both undergraduate and graduate students studying physics, adequate fund for national laboratories and the formation of new ones as appropriate and funding and facilitating international activities and collaborations.

That was a statement issued by a group of Canadian physicists to their government in 1999, citing the need for more attention and support for physics and its study in our modern environment.

what are the Careers in Physics

Careers in Physics

Once and again, the question any scholar of any idealism asks himself is, ‘what jobs are there for physicists?’

The study of physics offers a broad range of job opportunities in

1. Meteorology

2. Telecommunication

3. Education

4. Medicine

5. Manufacturing

6. Space

7. Law and finance

8. Music and television

9. Environment

10. Architecture and Civil Engineering

11. Transport

12. Sports and Games

13. Energy and so forth.

Now I believe we have done enough theoretical approach to the introduction to physics. Let’s now take a dip into some basic mathematical concepts in general physics.

what is physics (Physics As a Science )

Physics As a science

We will start with a brief introduction to physics and its concepts. It is pertinent for us to note that physics like most pure science subjects uses symbols, formulae and equations in representing, defining or emphasizing scientific phenomena and challenges, especially in the teaching process. For example:

(g) = gravity = 9.8m/s 2

F = ma (formula for Newton’s second law of motion)

All these we shall treat in subsequent lessons.

Physics is a natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force. More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the universe behaves.

Physics is a fundamental science. It is essential for all sciences and vital for modern technology. As noted earlier, Physics deals with the concepts of space, time and motion, conservation, fields, waves and quanta.

At secondary school level, physics is usually studied alongside Chemistry and Mathematics as these three subjects complement and supplement each other. A good understanding of all the three is very necessary for a career in Physics.

At advanced level, the more specialized areas of physics include

1. Astronomy,

2. Computational and Theoretical Physics,

3. Experimental physics,

4. Industrial and Condensed Matter Physics,

5. Medical and Biophysics,

6. Geophysics,

7. Solar Energy Physics among others.

Our main focus is physics for high school students so we will not deal with advance concepts in physics which is beyond the scope of this tutorials.

You can learn more about advance physics topic if you wish to pursue physics as a career or study further in high education.

Now let’s take a look at the importance of physics and why we study physics.


Importance of Physics to the Society

A statement adopted by IUPAP, March 1999 was

“Physics – the study of matter, energy and their interactions – is an international enterprise, which plays a key role in the future progress of humankind. The support of physics education and research in all countries is important because:”

1. Physics is an exciting intellectual adventure that inspires young people and expands the frontiers of our knowledge about Nature.

2. Physics generates fundamental knowledge needed for the future technological advances that will continue to drive the economic engines of the world.

3. Physics contributes to the technological infrastructure and provides trained personnel needed to take advantage of scientific advances and discoveries.

4. Physics is an important element in the education of chemists, engineers and computer scientists, as well as practitioners of the other physical and biomedical sciences.

5. Physics extends and enhances our understanding of other disciplines, such as the earth, agricultural, chemical, biological, and environmental sciences, plus astrophysics and cosmology – subjects of substantial importance to all peoples of the world.

6. Physics improves our quality of life by providing the basic understanding necessary for developing new instrumentation and techniques for medical applications, such as computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, ultrasonic imaging, and laser surgery.

In summary, physics is an essential part of the educational system and of any advanced society. We therefore urge all governments to seek advice from physicists and other scientists on matters of science policy, and to be supportive of the science of Physics.

This support can take many forms such as: National programs to improve physics teaching at all levels of the educational system.

Building and maintaining strong departments in universities and other academic institutions with opportunities to secure grants to support research, scholarships and fellowships for both undergraduate and graduate students studying physics, adequate fund for national laboratories and the formation of new ones as appropriate and funding and facilitating international activities and collaborations.

That was a statement issued by a group of Canadian physicists to their government in 1999, citing the need for more attention and support for physics and its study in our modern environment.

Careers in Physics

Once and again, the question any scholar of any idealism asks himself is, ‘what jobs are there for physicists?’

The study of physics offers a broad range of job opportunities in

1. Meteorology

2. Telecommunication

3. Education

4. Medicine

5. Manufacturing

6. Space

7. Law and finance

8. Music and television

9. Environment

10. Architecture and Civil Engineering

11. Transport

12. Sports and Games

13. Energy and so forth.

Now I believe we have done enough theoretical approach to the introduction to physics. Let’s now take a dip into some basic mathematical concepts in general physics.


Measurement is the determination of the quantity of a body in terms of a certain chosen unit. The system of units acceptable internationally in most scientific measurements is called the International System of Units — SI for short.

There are two types of units namely:

Fundamental units

These are units upon which other units are derived from. There are three fundamental or basic units in physics. These are:

1. Metre – denoted (m) for Length.

2 kilogram – denoted (kg) for Mass.

3. Second – denoted (s) for Time.

These three fundamental units are very important to memories since they form the base upon which most other units depend.

The SI units of some fundamental quantities are summarized in the table below.

Quantity Unit abbreviation

Length   meter      m
Mass   kilogram   kg
Time   second    s
Temperature   kelvin k
Electric current ampere A

Amount of substance mole mol
Derived units

As the name implies, Derived units are units derived from simple combination of two or more fundamental units. For example, the unit of volume ( m3 ) is obtained by multiplying three lengths — (m * m * m).

Chelsea to offer hodson-odoi new deal despite the fact that rupturing Achilles

Chelsea are still looking to offer starlet Callum Hudson-Odoi a new deal despite rupturing his achilles against Burnley on Monday night, according to multiple English publications.

Hudson-Odoi was the target of three reported bids by Bayern Munich in the January transfer window, the largest being £35 million, but the west London club repeatedly rejected advances by the German club.

The 18-year-old has rejected several contract extensions from Chelsea as it appeared he had grown tired of limited opportunities at Stamford Bridge, and it appeared as if his future lied away from the Blues until rupturing his achilles against the relegation-threatened Burnley.

Maurizio Sarri's side now believe they have the upper hand in re-signing the England international, with interest from Europe's elite likely to dry up following the long-term injury.

Hudson-Odoi will likely miss the early stages of next season with recovery time from an achilles rupture usually lasting between four and six months.

With Eden Hazard strongly-linked with a move to Real Madrid, a looming transfer ban and the very real possibility of missing the Champions League for the second-consecutive season, Chelsea will be prioritising the re-signing of a young star that appeared well on his way out the door.

what is Affiliates Program

    Affiliate Program
An automated marketing program where a Web advertiser or merchant recruits webmasters to place the merchant's banner ads or buttons on their own Web site. Webmasters will receive a referral fee or commission from sales when the customer has clicked the affiliate link to get to the merchant's Web site Web site to perform the desired action, usually make a purchase or fill out a contact form. The most common types of affiliate programs include pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, and pay-per-sale.

Abandonware the meaning

Abandonware is a product, typically software, ignored by its owner and manufacturer, and for which no product support is available. Although such software is usually still under copyright, the owner may not be tracking or enforcing copyright violations. Abandonware is a variant of the general concept of orphan works.

what is Philosophy

    Philosophy,  as a discipline began in ancient Greece.  It was then said to maen love of wisdom.  This may be interested to mean interest in knowledge.  Incidentally,  philosophy I neither an emotional activity,  nor a discipline., that has knowledge of it's own.  But as the father  of all discipline , it examing the knowledge of it children that are the established disciplines, questioning at least,  the language, concept and method they apply in their study.

what is Motivation

Motivation is derived from the Latin word "moveers" which means to move. It can therefore be said that in its literal meaning motivation is the process of arousing movement in an organism.
    But in other whay, (child 1977) defined motivation as consisting internal process which spur individual on to satisfy some needs.  He further explain that motivation creature it's more likely to learn that one who is not motivate tod.

Friday, April 19, 2019

The Best teams in the premier League so Far

Liverpool and Manchester City are the best teams in the Premier League by a mile, according to Cardiff City boss Neil Warnock.

Jurgen Klopp's side head to Wales on Sunday on the back of a 4-1 Champions League win over Porto, their eighth victory in a row in all competitions.

They sit top of the league table, a point ahead of Manchester City, who in turn are 16 points clear of Tottenham in third place.

Warnock is hugely impressed by the work Klopp has done at Anfield and admits he is keen to avoid being "battered" by a team that has scored 77 times in 34 league matches.

"I think this Liverpool side along with Man City are the best by a mile at the moment. I think they're one of the best teams in the world," he told a news conference on Friday.

"They look so balanced now. Jurgen's done a fabulous job because there were one or two weaknesses and he's filled those weaknesses with top quality players.

"They've got young lads coming through who are going to play for England, Scotland and all the other teams for the next ten years so it's a great mix they've got really.

"We just have to cope the best we can. On a good day, as they've shown this season, they'll beat anyone. We just want to perform well.

"It's going to be a great day but I don't just want it to be a lovely day where we get battered, I want us to put up a performance, so that's what we've been working on this week and a good performance will stand us in good stead for the next couple of games."

Cardiff gave their chances of Premier League survival a huge boost with a 2-0 win over Brighton and Hove Albion on Tuesday, a result that moves them to within two points of Chris Hughton's side.

Although the Bluebirds remain in the relegation places and have played a game more than Brighton, Warnock says his players are trying to enjoy their fight to stay up.

"The dressing as you can imagine was elated," he said of the victory. "[It was] not just the fact that we'd won but the way that we'd won.

"We played very well on the night. We were always aware that if we'd lost the game than that would be it.

"We are enjoying it as much as we can. I think when the pressure's on you you've got to try and enjoy what you're doing, really."

Oliver Giroud will stay at chelsea next season

Olivier Giroud will stay at Chelsea next season even if he is frustrated with a lack of playing time, according to head coach Maurizio Sarri.

The striker admitted this week that he is unhappy with his role as a back-up to Gonzalo Higuain and Eden Hazard in attack, having made only seven Premier League starts in 2018-19.

The 32-year-old has been linked with a return to France with Lyon, although any transfer plans are complicated by Chelsea having been banned by FIFA from registering new players for the next two transfer windows for breaking rules related to the signing of overseas youngsters.

And Sarri says they intend to keep Giroud, having already decided to take up the option to extend his contract for a further 12 months.

"He is sure, because the club has an option for another year, another season," he told Sky Sports News when asked if Giroud is unsure of his future.

"I spoke to the club two days ago and we agreed to exercise the option. So, he will remain.

"He cannot do anything, but I spoke with the club and I spoke with Marina [Granovskaia] two days ago and Olivier will remain with us and she didn't say to me anything about this question."

Giroud was on target in Thursday's 4-3 Europa League win over Slavia Prague as the Blues progressed to the semi-finals 5-3 on aggregate.

Olivier Giroud will stay at Chelsea next season even if he is frustrated with a lack of playing time, according to head coach Maurizio Sarri.

The striker admitted this week that he is unhappy with his role as a back-up to Gonzalo Higuain and Eden Hazard in attack, having made only seven Premier League starts in 2018-19.

The 32-year-old has been linked with a return to France with Lyon, although any transfer plans are complicated by Chelsea having been banned by FIFA from registering new players for the next two transfer windows for breaking rules related to the signing of overseas youngsters.

And Sarri says they intend to keep Giroud, having already decided to take up the option to extend his contract for a further 12 months.

"He is sure, because the club has an option for another year, another season," he told Sky Sports News when asked if Giroud is unsure of his future.

"I spoke to the club two days ago and we agreed to exercise the option. So, he will remain.

"He cannot do anything, but I spoke with the club and I spoke with Marina [Granovskaia] two days ago and Olivier will remain with us and she didn't say to me anything about this question."

Giroud was on target in Thursday's 4-3 Europa League win over Slavia Prague as the Blues progressed to the semi-finals 5-3 on aggregate.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Free Internet Connection

How To Have Free Internet Connection.

  Internet is a place where people use data to access, without data you can't access the internet. Many user of the internet have deeply try to find out use theHOWternet for free but they can't find the means of doing it. Now I am happy to tell you this, if you are such person, then you are in the right place.
   I will teach you how you can access the internet for free without waisting your money on data.
    Have you ever had about WIFI MAP,

WiFi map is an application which you can download from play store.
    WiFi map is a wifi operator which carry over 1 million wifi around the world, wifi map is design for user to access the internet for free, by showing you the pasward to every wifi around the world.

1. Go to play store download and install that app. The app is blue, black and yellow in color
2. Open the app in you phone.
3. Agree with thei terms of use, once you Finnish accepting their procedure the app will automatically open for you.
4. Zoom out any wifi you see click on it, the app will ask you connect.
NOTE: You are to turn on your mobile phone wifi before clicking on connect.
    Now you can access and browse the web for free. Save your money use it for another purpose.

Monday, April 1, 2019

How To Monetize. YouTube Channel / 7 Step


YouTube is a platform design for user to make money online. But many user are still on YOUTUBE without discovering what is in it. Now I want let you know that if you are one those persons, then you have find your self in the right place.

  In this article, I will teach you, how you can MONETIZE your YouTube channel an make money online. Now you will follow the step by step what bellow an put it into action. And you will see your self upgrading in and out of YouTube.


Step 1
If you want to MONETIZE YOUTUBE channel the first thing you should ask yourself, is are eligible for monetonization?. Now you will will ask yourself this questions
Are you up to age?
Are you updating your channel?
Is you channel verify?
With many more question youn should ask yourself.

Step 2
  Open YouTube with desktop mode if you are using mobile phone.

Step 3
  Go to the left hand side column click on channel

Step 4
  It will display a dialog box, in the dialog box click on enable in the monetonization section.

Step 5
  Another page will come up, click on the first option, to read and agree with the YouTube team of use, after reading click on ( agree) it will take you back to the last page.

Step 6
  When it take you to the last page click on the second option, on the AdSense.
NOTE: if you are not eligible for AdSense, AdSense will not accept you, but if you eligible they will. This is to ad AdSense where you can make money.

Step 7
  Now this us the last step to take so that you can start earning money, YouTube will now ask you to make your channel have 1000 subscribers and 4000 views on your channel, before your channel will be completely monetize.
 Now with this few step I believe you can MONETIZE YOUTUBE channel easily. Now you are good to go with your channel.

Thank you for taking this bold step, if any question please put it in the comment pox bellow.